Mischeviouslittleelf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mischeviouslittleelf/art/Grimstav-Dragsleiven-501145806Mischeviouslittleelf

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Grimstav Dragsleiven


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Here is another member of staff, the fearsome Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and veteran warlock of the Troll Wars, Grimstav Draugsleiven. Being one of the few wizards to have closely befriended and studied dwarf kind and has many of his tales engraved on his body in the form of tattoos that have been magically imbued with runes of protection and power, making him a very powerful wizard indeed. Even though dignified and reserved most of the time, he will make settling grudges a point of honor, and when irked might throw his robes aside and appear as one sees him here, ready teach some life lessons.

The amazing Mike Azevedo was so kind as to help me out with this one, doing the lion's share of the work, thanks so much Mike, I hope it came out to your liking:D
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Icesturm's avatar
The image looks so dynamic and intense, good job :)