Mischeviouslittleelf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mischeviouslittleelf/art/Torbjorn-Jotunhorn2-492968863Mischeviouslittleelf

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Mischeviouslittleelf's avatar

Torbjorn Jotunhorn2



So I finished the Harry Potter books (again) not so long ago, and got the idea that it was incredibly unfair that we didn't have a school for the magical arts in Scandinavia. I mean, if they can see fit to open such establishments in England, France and Bulgaria, I think it only fair we have one up north as well, so here is our headmaster Torbjørn Jotunhorn.

More of the faculty to follow:D
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2428x3348px 3.01 MB
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NodHero's avatar

One of my favorite pieces of character art.